Needs Assessment And Project Rationale
The Gaza Strip is one of the most affected by social changes and political volatility. It includes the most substantial proportion of refugees, population density, unemployment rates, and dependence on international aid. For more than 12 years, it has been besieged by economic growth, resulting in an army of unemployed people, a lack of employment opportunities, increasing poverty and food insecurity.
Project from the poor farmer to the Needy family – Ramadan 2019 in the Gaza Strip is a project implemented in Gaza Middle Area. The project will address the needs of some of the most impoverished families in Gaza, living in the most marginalized areas by providing them with food items.
The project was designed to satisfy the urgent need of marginalized families for food items to support families given the precarious humanitarian and economic situation adding to the crisis after years of imposed blockade and the continued closure of the Gaza crossings since 2007.
The primary intervention will focus on the food Support and Providing 500 families in the Alnussirat Refugee camp with a fresh vegetable basket for two weeks during the month of Ramadan so that the contents of the package are purchased from small farmers.
The main goal of the project is to contribute to enhancing the opportunities of needy families in the Gaza Strip to reach their basic food needs within a Ramadan 2019.

This project will support 500 of recipients; these families living in the marginalized areas of the target Area were grouped into four categories:
- poor families with elderly persons,
- Poor families with orphans,
- Poor families with children with disability,