Vocation Training For Syrian Refugees In Lebanon

Creating sustainable Livelihoods for Vulnerable communities through access to Non-formal Education and Vocational Training Courses in Consolation center in Saida/ South Lebanon.

Vocation Training For Syrian Refugees In Lebanon

Creating sustainable Livelihoods for Vulnerable communities through access to Non-formal Education and Vocational Training Courses in Consolation center in Saida/ South Lebanon.

Vocation Training For Syrian Refugees In Lebanon

Seven years into the Syrian conflict, the situation in all over Lebanon continues to be precarious, with extensive humanitarian and development needs, and especially on the education aspect.

The areas with a high concentration of poor Lebanese, displaced Syrians, and existing huge number of Palestinian refugees, has compounded an already problematic economic situation, increasing poverty, unemployment, and social tensions.

In Saida and its suburbs, MA conducted a rapid need assessment and identified that a big segment of Youths, who belongs to vulnerable Lebanese, Palestinian refugees, and Syrian displaced communities, are out of school due to several core problems, which forced their involuntary drop out.

This project will promote investment and employment by providing tailored vocational skills and knowledge, which are relevant in the region through Consolation center. This, will make existing jobs more secure, and mitigate the challenges in the targeted vulnerable communities.

The proposed project will therefore lighten the future of new generation from the loss and deviation. Furthermore, will protect them from being involved in illegal acts for the sake of earning a living for their families, and promote self-reliance, which eliminates the feeling of begging.