Mozambique Tropical Cyclone
Tropical Cyclone Idai occurred in central Mozambique on 14 th March 2019. According to the Government of Mozambique, as of 4th April, 598 people have died and more than 1600 have been injured in the aftermath of the catastrophic flooding. The latest figures from Mozambique’s National Institute of Disaster Management (INGC), indicate 129,754
individuals have been displaced and taken shelter in evacuation centers in the four provinces of Sofala (101), Zambezia (3), Tete (5), and Manica (20). The majority of these centers are schools and churches. According to government reports, 97,424 houses have been completely destroyed, 103,537 houses have been partially destroyed and 15,784 have been flooded. Muslim Aid USA provided an ongoing response to provide clean water and hygiene kits for affected families in Mozambique.