More than 2 million homes were destroyed and damaged by the deadly floods.
From the 30 million people who lost their homes 8 million people are still displaced.
Muslim Aid USA is currently on the ground working with local partners to provide food, clean water, and hygiene needs to flood-affected families. For $13, You Can Provide Clean Drinking Water $75 provides enough food for a family of 7 for an entire month. Pakistan needs our support. Join us in providing relief packages to those in greatest need, while doing all that we can to prevent future flooding.

Hygiene Kits
For $65 you could provide basic hygiene kits to entire families

Food Packages
Provides Enough Food For A Family Of 7 For One Month-$75

Temporary Tents that providing short term shelter for at least a year – $980

20.6 million
people require humanitarian assistance

8.2 million
in flood-affected areas who need health services

33 million
The floods affected 33 million people

of Pakistan’s population faces food insecurity

Severe hunger
The number of people facing severe hunger has more than doubled

of Pakistan’s population faces food insecurity

Severe hunger
The number of people facing severe hunger has more than doubled