Winter packets – pakistan

Winterization Support for Children & Adults, Affected by Conflict in South Waziristan Agency.

Winter packets – pakistan

Winterization Support for Children & Adults, Affected by Conflict in South Waziristan Agency.

Winter packets – pakistan

The peoples in SWA, faced the hardships of displacement, resulted in the armed conflict between the militant groups and Armed Forces. They lost their homes, their livelihoods, education of their children and even their income generating sources. Getting through to the all these tough times of almost 08 to 10 years, now, once they are returned to their homelands, the situations are, still, not in larger favors of those. They hardly received the financial stipends on monthly basis from FATA Secretariat to meet their basic MEAL needs. Under such circumstances, where the weather conditions are reported as severe, it is difficult for them to manage winter items that will have the potential to put their health on risks, as they will not be able to survive without having necessary equipment’s for winter.

Through this project, MAUSA provided 4000 individuals have access to essential items to reduce their vulnerabilities during the harsh winter weather conditions in the area and reduced chances of children and adults falling ill due to extreme weather conditions of Winter Season, in Pakistan.
